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DiGIES Call for Visiting Professor 2018/2019

The ‘Call for Visiting Professor’ for the academic year 2018/2019 aims at enhancing the internationalisation process of the scientific community of the DiGiES by attracting Visiting Professors.

This activity is financed by the DiGiES using the annual monetary transfer from the Ministry of University, having been the DiGiES awarded as department of excellence in research for the period 2018-2022 according to the Finance Bill n. 232/2016.

In particular, this action is intended for all the research themes developed by DiGiES scholars and support the active presence of academics of outstanding and international scientific reputation currently working abroad on a permanent basis.

When preparing the application, the perspective Visiting Professors will have to choose one of the following broad research areas:

  • Law
  • Economics and Business
  • Quantitative Methods

The selected Visiting Professors will actively take part into an blended programme which integrates teaching duties and scientific research in relevant topics for the DiGiES.

The teaching activity will include several seminars scheduled for PhD students and lectures within the courses listed in the Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programmes offered by the DiGiES.

Below you can find the Call and the Form useful for your candidature.

The deadline is February 11, 2019

November 27, 2018

Department Chairman

Prof. Dr. Massimiliano Ferrara




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